September 2023
- Vicar's Message
- Events
- Sunday School
- Sevika Sanghom
- Youth
- Onam
Vicar Message
“In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the
atoning sacrifice for our sins”. (1Jn.4.10)
May the name of the Almighty God be exalted.
Greetings to all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
Our theme for this month is "Celebrations through Acts of Sacrificial Love."
We concluded the month of August with the joyful observance of the harvest festival,
Onam. This occasion holds significant socio-political meanings while also symbolizing
unity, love, and hope across generations. As a parish, we united to celebrate the Kerala
fiesta, a time of wonderful fellowship and togetherness. It was heartening to witness parish
members of all ages come together, and showcasing their talents on stage. A heartfelt
appreciation to all who contributed to the success of this event.
As Christians, our profound hope rests in the glorious return of our Lord Jesus. This hope
finds its foundation in the salvation history unveiled on Calvary's cross. We are entrusted
with the role of messengers of this salvation, carrying its transformative message to all
corners of the world.
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported the prayer vigil organized by VCC at St.
Paul's Cathedral. Our solidarity with the suffering people in Manipur reminds us that
standing for those who do not know us is akin to standing for the Lord who deeply knows
Throughout September, we commemorate the teaching ministry of the church,
acknowledge the pivotal role of women and their ministry, and honour the seniors who
paved the path for our faith journey. The 17th and 24th of September are designated as
Sevika Sanghom Day and Senior Citizens Day, respectively.
The various organizations within our parish have successfully concluded their annual
meetings. Gratitude is extended to all office bearers, committee members, and the entire
parish for their dedicated ministry throughout the year. Our parish general body meeting is
scheduled for September 3rd, and I humbly ask for your prayerful participation. With our
community expanding, it is our duty to address the evolving needs of our parishioners.
Let's pay attention to the well-being of our senior citizens, extend our warmth to those who
travel from afar to join us, and offer the much-needed spiritual guidance to our youth.
Over the past year, starting from August 2022, more than 80 new families, including
international students, have joined our fellowship. This growth signals a call for renewed
vision and proactive steps to serve this burgeoning community.
A reminder about the Senior Students Camp organized from September 29th to October
1st. Parents, please encourage your children to be part of this enriching experience.
The Annual Sabha Prathinidhi Mandalam Meeting is approaching, scheduled for August
29th and September 1st, 2023, at the Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Memorial Auditorium in
Thiruvalla. This gathering holds immense significance for our church. Request your
prayers for the success and fruitful outcomes of this meeting.
Congratulations to Mr. Robin K Thomas from Adelaide for his election as a Sabha Council
member from the MSAN Diocese.
Let us extend a warm welcome to our new members and families: Jaison Thomas, Alan
Mathews, Boby & Nivea, Anup & Deepa, and Jomon & Roshni. May the Lord shower His
abundant blessings on their journeys ahead.
As we navigate through September, let our actions be guided by prayer, reflection, and
With prayers and blessings,
* Changes to any of the above schedule will be intimated closer to the date of each service.
Please contact Assistant Secretary for all contributions to Altar Flowers
Donate through Karunya Edavaka Mission
Sunday School
‘The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the
simple.’ Psalms 119:130
As the warm embrace of August gently gives way to the crisp mornings of September, we
are reminded of the seasons' beautiful rhythm in God's grand design. The leaves may
start their journey from green to gold, but our commitment to learning and nurturing our
faith remains evergreen.
This month, the Sunday School team are thrilled to bring your children a series of
enlightening lessons, inspiring activities, and moments of fellowship. Let us embark on this
September journey, keeping in mind the promises of the scripture, and striving to sow
seeds of faith, love, and hope.
T h e m o n t h t h a t w a s A u g u s t :
Manipur Food Fundraiser:
On August 13, the Youth Group led a
fundraiser to aid relief efforts in
Manipur. Our Grade 5 students
enthusiastically jumped in, contributing
baked goods (thanks mum and dad) to
further this noble cause.
Their initiative and enthusiasm were a testament to the teachings they've absorbed and
the kind-hearted individuals they're becoming. We are extremely proud of our church
community for their generosity and contribution to this worth cause.
T h e m o n t h t h a t i s S e p t e m b e r :
Fathers Day Special Worship, 03 September: Come and join our special Worship
Session on Father's Day so we can celebrate the Fathers in our community!
Sunday School Fundraiser for The Senior Camp, 10 September: Sunday School is
gearing up for another food sale, aimed at supporting one of the most eagerly awaited
events on our calendar. Every contribution will play a pivotal role in ensuring the event's
success and organization.
Senior Sunday School Camp, 29 September – 01 October: The Senior Camp is just
around the corner! Our dedicated organizers have poured their efforts into crafting an
event that promises to leave a lasting impact on our Senior Sunday School students.
Senior Sunday School Camp - 29th September - Click here for a short video
Upcoming Sunday School Events
VCE Students Dedication, 08 October: A special dedication prayer will be held
during the two services for our children undertaking their VCE examinations this
Sunday School Exams, 22 October: Hold onto your pencils, because the Sunday
School Exams are here to tickle your brain cells and challenge your wits! It's that
time of the year when we dust off our thinking caps and show off our Sunday School
smarts. So, sharpen your pencils, fuel up on brain food (the word of God), and get
ready to ace those questions.
Sevika Sanghom
Kerala Fiesta - Onam
Kerala Fiesta 2023, Cultural Programs and Onam Sadya hosted by Melbourne Mar
Thoma Church, illuminated the spirit of Onam in a captivating celebration. This marked a
historic occasion were more than 550 people attended the event and the Victorian MP Ms
Bronwyn Halfpenny and Federal MP Mr. Peter Khalil attended the celebration.
The organisations and prayer groups presented their talents with dances, songs, and
skits. Heartfelt appreciation to each organisation for their captivating contributions: North
B's Kuttanadan Fusion Dance, Central A's "Lord of The Harvest, Lord of Rejoicing," North
West's thought-provoking skit "Namukku Enthu Onam Bro," the Sunday School students'
cultural fusion 'Interweaving Rhythms of Faith & Culture', North A's timeless
"Mizhiyariyathe," South's spirited "Ona Paattin Thaalam Thullum," Sevika Sangham's
graceful "Grace Carriers," Youth's comedic skit, Young Family Fellowship's vibrant
"Colours of Onam," Central B's enchanting folk song, and the unifying Vanchipattu.
As we welcomed the Onam season, Kerala Fiesta 2023 became an emblem of unity and
devotion. It demonstrated how the love of Christ binds diverse talents within the church
and community, harmonizing them into a symphony of worship and celebration. The event
showcased a plethora of talents – from enthralling dance performances and soul-stirring
songs to thought-provoking skits and intricate artwork.
Kerala Fiesta 2023 will be etched in our memories as a remarkable testimony to how the
unconditional love of Jesus reverberates through our lives and community. By blending
the essence of Onam with the divine message, we not only celebrated a cultural festivity
but also glorified God through our collective talents. This event stands as a testament to
the impact of unity, artistic expression, and faith in bringing people together to honor the
teachings of Christ and embrace the festive spirit of Onam.
Word of the Month
An archdeacon is a term derived from two Greek words, "arch" meaning chief, and
"diakonos" meaning minister. The Syriac form of this term translates to "chief among
shepherds." In ecclesiastical contexts, an archdeacon holds a significant role as the chief
assistant to bishops, primarily focusing on pastoral support and administrative
responsibilities. This priestly position holds great importance within the church hierarchy,
serving directly below the bishop. While bishops concentrate on spiritual matters,
archdeacons manage financial and administrative affairs.
In the history of the Malankara Church, archdeacons are believed to have existed from the
4th to the 17th century. These archdeacons were typically chosen from the Pakalomatam
family. Notably, in times when local bishops were absent, such as during the era of
Udayamperur Sunahados (Synod of Diamper-1599), the leadership of the Malankara
Church was assumed by figures like Geevarghese Archdeacon. The archdeacon position
played a pivotal role in representing and guiding the Nasrani community, acting as a
responsible and authoritative figure. In our church In our church, this role is continued as
the vicar general.
The concept of archdeacons traces its origins back to the time of the apostles. Biblical
references indicate that apostles appointed deacons to manage practical and material
aspects of the early Christian community.
Master.Ethen Senthil
Dr Mrs.Sneha Elizabeth Abraham
Mr.Sam Joy Chirackal
Mrs.Shinju Sahiju
Mr.Sudhin Aby Mammen
Mrs.Rena Verghese
Mrs.Leena Cicil
Miss.Crissa Maiam John
Mr.Rejo, Varghese John
Mr.Alan Mathew Abraham
Master.Melvin Georgy Pramode
Mr.Tony Kurian
Mr.Kevin, Jacob Mathew
Mr.Mathew George Abraham
Dr.Lyza sara Varghese
Mr.Jean Jacob
Mr.Sajin George, Abraham
Miss.Charlotte Suzann Nevin
Miss.Evanya Shinu
Dr.Thomas Vadil
Mr.Ben George Abraham
Master.Nikhil John
Miss.Mariam Elizabeth Roy
Mrs.Rita Varughese
Mr.Philip Rajesh John
Mr.Anish John
Miss.Isabel Mary Gini
Mr.John Thomas
Mrs.Deepa Mary Joseph
Mrs.Rebecca Varkey
Miss.Irene Susan Cherian
Mr.Binu Samuel
Mrs.Alison Abraham
Mrs.Beena Mathew
Mrs.Ann Alex
Miss.Shirel Miriam Mathew
Master.Bryan Thomas John
Miss.Elsa Thomas
Mr.Thomas George
Master.Eden James
Mr.Vinodh Samuel
Mr.Winson George
Mrs.Miriam George Abraham
Mrs.Merril, Susan Mathew
Mrs.Sarah Cherian
Mr.Manu Mathew
Mrs.Anju Jacob
Miss.Leia Annalisa Mathew
Miss.Davina E John
Master.Rafael Zack Praveen
Mr.Jeremy Thomas
Mr.Sujith Thomas Abraham
Mrs.Jaimy Elizabeth Cheriyan
Miss.Sanjana John
Mrs.Anisha Mary Mohan
Mrs.Suzanne Ann Pothen
Mrs.Ninu Joseph
Master.Abel J Mathews
Mrs.Dona Maria John
Mrs.Reeby Abraham
Master.Robin, Joseph Koshy,
Miss.Melissa Thomas
Master.Jordan Subin Mathew
Miss.Lisa R George
Master.Ryan, Thomas Mathew
Master.Nikil Abey
Miss.Hazel Sally Sanjo
Mr.Anup Jacob Abraham
Mrs.Lin Ding
Mrs.Cherish Marisa Philip
Mr.Jacob Kurien
Dr.Sneha Achamma Mani
Mrs.Divya James K
Miss.Ciana Anit
Dr.Mary Jacob
Mr.Job Kurian George
Mrs.Shirley Verghese
Mr.Thomas Joseph
Miss.Ritu Eliza Ashok
Miss.Zara Susan
Mrs.Kunjamma Samuel
Master.Ethan Anil Fred
Mr.Ryan Thomas Leem
Mrs.Rekha Sara Philip
Master.Johal Thomas
Miss.Charlotte Rachael John
Mr.Edel George Jacob
Mr.Binil Varghese Benson
Dr.George Alex
Wedding Anniversary
Stani & Saumia
Vinod & Rexi
Saju &Roshan
Binosh & Jessy
Joe & Seena
Senthil & Bincy
Lalu & Leela
Sanjo & Dona
Pradeesh & Nikitha
Ashish & Merril
Jerin & Geethi
Simon & Susan
Rohit & Benita
Manoj & Sharon
Preshanth & Kathleen
Joby & Beena
Thomas & Susan
Vineeth & Manjari
Subi & Anju
Philip & Shobha
Melbourne Mar Thoma Church © 2023
Church Address: 149 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052
Parsonage Address: 10 Layton Place Mill Park VIC 3082
Vicar: Rev Shoji Varghese | Mobile: 0401311688
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Melbourne Marthoma Church · 10 Layton Place · Mill Park, VIC 3082 · Australia